No farming out – Our work is done in-house.
We don’t farm our work out to newbies or inexperienced third parties, which means you’re getting top quality for your dollar. You get personal attention and access to someone who knows what they are doing and cares about your business success.
- Respecting boundaries – You retain the controls.
Administrative power will never be withheld from you. You are not required to continue to be a client forever in order to access any accounts and websites which are created or managed for you. You can end our business relationship at any time. This is very unusual in this field. There are unethical webmasters who will take advantage of the fact that you don’t know exactly what they do to tie you to them.
- No padding – No one here will ever try to sell you services that you don’t actually need.
For example, if your company only works locally, we will not waste your time and money on nationwide advertising unnecessarily. There is more work to be done out here than any one consultant could possibly do – making busy-work is totally unnecessary. Each business is different – you need to know which marketing tools will best serve your needs… and which won’t.
- You don’t have to start over – what we create for you is all yours.
Taking over a preexisting account or scene is also rare in this business – you’re often required to start over from square zero when hiring on a new firm. If you’ve built something, why start over? Unless you need to – and we’ll give you a full explanation of why – you won’t have to restart from scratch.
- Knowing limits – if we do it, we do it. If we don’t, we don’t.
Anything which we don’t do (for instance, press releases or creating blog content), we’ll tell you right off and will refer you to someone who can. We have a treasured group of trustworthy, experienced colleagues to refer you to – who can help you get the job done.
- No outside affiliations – We don’t sell you services and products for the sake of commissions.
No product or service that we recommend to you comes with a kickback for us if you sign up or whatever.
- Coding from scratch – No shortcuts will be taken.
We don’t use WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors such as Dreamweaver when coding websites. The point here is, your code is not only going to work, it will be clean, search-engine-friendly and valid (meaning it doesn’t break the rules as laid down by the W3C – the WorldWideWeb Consortium). And it won’t be bulky or confusing to others.
- No extended-term contracts – no continuing costs unless agreed on.
We don’t require you to sign long term contracts or keep us on retainer when we’re not working in order to get pay-per-click marketing help. Or any other help. No surprise costs.
- Actual PPC marketing expertise – we know what we’re talking about.
Our forays into managing pay-per-click accounts goes back to before Google AdWords existed, back when it was just Overture and that were worth the money. Overture PPC became Yahoo! Search Marketing became Microsoft Adcenter… and Google became king. Facebook became a viable advertising platform and then got harder. Basically, the only rule is that the rules are constantly changing. Meanwhile, we’re still marketing in PPC and we still know what we’re doing.
- Actual optimization expertise – all the stuff we do, we’ve tested it, we know it works.
Back before the term “Search Engine Optimization” was coined (by the continually relevant journalist Danny Sullivan), making a website search friendly was just another part of good website redesign – and we knew how to do it. Keeping up with the times means some things are done better now – and there are a lot more ways to do things (and a lot more ways to mess them up). You’d be surprised at how much can be found “wrong” with an already optimized site when you have been following every possible nuance of the field for a decade, as we have.
- No naughty stuff – We don’t do “black hat” optimization. No cheats, no trickery.
We’ve never used or agreed with concepts that were touted as good SEO but were later banned by search engines as bad practices. We’ve never had to “go back” and un-SEO a site because we were using shady tricks. Black hat SEO practices are obvious from the start. We know how to avoid new ideas that are bad, and adopt new ideas that are good.